

In an ongoing effort to totally dominate the Denver music scene, I just got my ticket to see the Decemberists in a week. Hoorah. This is largely exciting for me, as I very much enjoy the Decemberists. However, my favorite song of theirs at the moment is "The Apology Song" from their 5 Songs ep. I am gravely concerned that since the song comes from an ep, it may suffer neglect at the show. I'm sure the show will still be tanfastic, and I still love all their other music.

The problem is simply that I almost always go into a show hoping for one song to be played. Since moving to Denver, I have not been let down in this quest (Well, except for when I saw Emery at the Warped Tour, but they were only given 20 minutes to play (plus they were about to release a new album, so what do you expect? (and this shouldn't count because Warped was an entire day of sweet music where my 'one-song quest' was upheld by many other bands so by process of majority, this case is void))).

The other lame-o time 2005 is that I no longer can afford to go see Iron & Wine (a show which takes place 2 days after the Decemberists). But I'm okay with this exchange. After all, it's like they always say, "When The New Pornographers, Thrice, Emery, Death Cab for Cutie, Scary Kids Scaring Kids, the Decemberists, Hawthorne Heights, and Iron & Wine all come to Denver in October and you're on a budget and your wife is in a master's program so you don't see her as much as you used to, you can probably only go to 3 of those shows." I remember people telling me that all the time growing up.

And I'm very grateful for these shows that I have been able to go to. I don't want to sound like Mr. Never-Content-With-How-Many-Shows-He-Can-Go-To. Nobody likes that guy (at least not on the West side of the U.S.) The 2 I've been to already have been superb in a way that I didn't really know of before I moved here, and I'm sure the Decemberists will be the same (plus I'm running out of room for stickers on the ol' briefcase).

So ultimately, things are running on full here in CO (as opposed to Running on Empty (speaking of which, has anybody listened to Jackson Browne's acoustic album yet? (I haven't been able to pick it up yet due to lack of funds, but I bet it's great (although These Days has to be his best song, and that's already acoustic (then again, he's totally great and whatever he turns acoustic I'm sure will be super-great)))).

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